Captain America And The Riddle Of The Red Skull

Comic Book: Captain America Comics
Published: March 1941
Story: Captain America And The Riddle Of The Red Skull (14 Pages)
Writer: Ed Herron
Pencilers: Joe Simon and Jack Kirby
Inker: Joe Simon
Editor: Joe Simon

The original Red Skull secret identity is George Maxon, the owner of the Maxon Aircraft Company that makes airplanes for the US Army. Maxon wears a mask to create the look of a Red Skull. As the Red Skull, Maxon attempts to overthrow the US government.

This Red Skull kind of reminds of the Joker from the Golden Age. Both used a calling card to let their victims know that death was near. Both used a toxic serum to kill without the slain party knowing they had been poisoned as to make them and investigators believe they had been frightened to death. In the case of the Skull, the person being murdered believes the Skull is killing them with his eyes. Instructing the soon to be deceased, to stare into his eyes, "look until you see death!!! Look at death, look at death."

Pretty grim for a comic book if you ask me.

The Red Skull as we know him today came along a few months later in Captain America Comics #7 in October 1941.

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