1966: War of the Monsters

War of the Monsters DVD Cover

Released: April 17, 1966
Director: Shigeo Tanaka
Producer: Hidemasa Nagata
Script: Nizo Takahashi
Score: Chuji Kinoshita
Cinematographer: Michio Takahashi

Kyoko Enami
Kojiro Hongo
Akira Natsuki

Set six months after the events of Gamera: The Giant Monster, a meteorite collides with the Z Plan rocket transporting the creature to Mars.

This film was rereleased to television and home video in 1987 as Gamera vs. Barugon.

January, 1977 Rampaging Hulk #1: The Krylorian Conspiracy

Cover Artists: Ken Bar

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Story: The Krylorian Conspiracy
Published: January, 1977
Script: Doug Moench
Pencils: Walt Simonson
Inks: Alfredo Alcala
 Irving Watanobe


Rick Jones
General Ross
Betty Ross

This story begins by recapping the origins of the Hulk. This story taking place during a time when Bruce Banner would be sealed in a chamber in a secret lab at night, the Hulk escapes and battles the military before changing back into Bruce Banner.