Raiders of Galaxy

Released: December 18, 1982
Director: Seung-cheol Park
Writer: Seung-cheol Park
Executive Producer: Bong-shik Ahn
Producer: Deok-su Choi
Producer English Version: Joseph Lai
Film Editor: Dong-Chun Hyeon
Score: Dong-Chun Hyeon
Camera operator: Jun-pyo Hong
Background artist: Heon-ju Guk
Inbetween artist: Chan-hui Ju
Painter: Jae-suk Kwon
Inbetween artist: Jong-seong Lee
Key animator: Kyu-yeol Oh
Ink artist: Bu-jeon Park
Painter: Ok-ja Song

WBG could not find any credits for the Voice Actors.
If you have that information, please add it in the comments section.

When the evil T. Devil wants to take control of the galaxy, he enlists Andrew to help him in his quest for inter-galactic domination. Andrew starts capturing all of Earth's spaceships in order to investigate the planet. Meanwhile, on Earth, the scientists become curious about the disappearing ships and form a squad to investigate. When Andrew begins the invasion, the squad must enter into an epic space battle with the aliens with the fate of the world at stake. Can mankind overcome the awesome power of the alien invaders and save the world?

Comrades of Steel - Workers of the World! Poster

That's Because You're A Robot

Released: June 11, 2014

Writer: David Quantick
Art: Shaky Kane
Lettering: Jimmy Betancourt


"Jeff - Matt, I'll keep this simple. One of you is a real human cop--and one of you is a robot. Only we don't know which is which!"

"Maybe you're the robot."
"How can I be a robot? I'm Jewish!"

"Don't blame me, I'm not the robot here."
"I'm not a robot! You're the robot!"

"I'm not a coward. And I'm not a robot!"

Comrades of Steel - Workers of the World! Poster

The Gate to Xoran

Published: January 1931
Writer: Hal K. Wells
Cover Artist: H. W. Wesso

Artwork: Hans Waldemar Wessolowski

A strange man of metal comes to Earth on a dreadful mission.

Comrades of Steel - Workers of the World! Poster