Spider-Man Strikes Back

United Kingdom theatrical release poster

The plot begins when one of Peter Parker's arrogant professors at New York State University improperly secures weapons grade plutonium on campus leading three students to steal all the materials they need to create an atomic bomb as a means to prove how dangerous the professors plans to run a nuke plant on campus are. Spider-Man is seen by security guards investigating the incident and is blamed for the theft. 

Meanwhile millionaire Mr. White hears of the affair and will stop at nothing to get his hands on an atomic bomb. After having taken the "bomb" from the students in New York, Mr. White flees to Los Angeles and demands ONE BILLION DOLLARS!, right-hand pinky pressed against pursed lips, from the city of New York. Spider-Man must defeat the wannabe terrorist and stop him from blowing up the President.

Sidenote: If you are old enough to remember when being a millionaire gave you the resources to be a supervillain, well then you are indeed over the age of 40.

While there is no Mary Jane Watson. There is hottie journalist Gale Hoffman played by Joanna Cameroan as the flirty female antagonist who wants an interview with the web-slinger. In LA, Miss Hoffman just happens to get kidnapped and dressed in a bikini. What the? You have to see it. 

Sneak Peek
Nowhere To Hide A Weapon For Sure

Spider-Man in LA is akin to Aquaman in the Gobi desert. What are there? Like two skyscrapers to swing from? The Capital Records building and Nakatomi Plaza are about it for tall buildings in Los Angeles. Therefore the major action in the City of Angels takes place on dirt bikes and with web-head dangling from a helicopter. 

Sidenote: Los Angeles circa the late seventies had air you could literally slice with a butter knife but the muscles and boobs were real. 

From era before silicon asses and movie producers didn't have to test actors for Performance Enhancing Drugs. Spider-Man Strikes Back may not be big on special effects but the assigned hottie is hot and as a ten year old kid this movie was the TV event of the summer.  

Directed: by Ron Statlof
Produced: by Robert Janes
Written: by Robert Janes
Based on: Spider-Man by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
Starring: Nicholas Hammond, Robert Alda, Robert F. Simon, Joanna Cameron, Michael Pataki 
Distributed by Columbia Pictures Television 
Release date May 8, 1978 
Running time 90 minutes 

Thanks to rs2000manos for posting this film on YouTube.


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